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Eggersmann Recycling Technology

Eggersmann Plant Engineering


Worldwide in any Size

  • Mechanical treatment plants
  • Biological treatment plants
  • Biogas plants
  • Refuse derived fuel plants

References from all over the world testify to the enormous range of plant types we have realized for the treatment of a wide variety of input materials.

Reference Plants

We build plants all over the world and design them based on individual requirements. The dimensioning of the plants is determined on the basis of a detailed material analysis regarding the input materials as well as the required quantities of the raw materials to be extracted. 

Among the projects we have realised to date are plants for household waste in Iraq, Macedonia and Dubai. We can also refer to various biowaste and composting plants.

Furthermore, we have built sorting plants for lightweight packaging, waste paper and cardboard, plastics and for the special processing of battery materials all over the world. An RDF plant in Israel, a plant for the processing of grate ash in Singapore as well as plants for the mechanical and biological treatment of municipal waste in Poland, England or Bulgaria are also among our numerous projects.

In addition, there are our dry fermentation and digestion plants from BEKON, which also belongs to Eggersmann. The BEKON process enables the production of biogas from organic waste or biomass and at the same time provides the raw material for composting that follows in the process chain.

Examples of Recycling Plants Realised by us

Sorting Plant for Lightweight Packaging


In addition to engineering and implementation planning, the scope of the order included the procurement, manufacture and delivery of the entire plant technology and components as well as installation and commissioning.

Sorting Plant for Lightweight Packaging


In addition to engineering and implementation planning, the scope of the order for the sorting plant also included the procurement, manufacture and delivery of the entire plant technology and components as well as assembly and commissioning.

Processing Plant for Waste Wood


In addition to the construction as general contractor, the engineering and the implementation planning, the scope of the contract for the treatment plant also included the procurement, manufacture and delivery of the entire plant technology and components as well as assembly and commissioning.

Sorting Plant for Lightweight Packaging


In the sorting plant, recyclable lightweight packaging gets filtered out and pressed for further treatment.

Recycling Plant for Industrial, Commercial and Household Waste


The treatment plant in Dubai was designed for a throughput of around 700 tons of commercial waste and 500 tons of household waste per day.

Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant


Plant for mechanical-biological waste treatment (MBT) Marszów in Zary, Poland - designed, built and equipped in cooperation with various companies of the Eggersmann Group.

RDF System

Middle East

Plant planning, delivery, construction, commissioning, trial operation and turnkey handover of a plant for the mechanical-biological treatment of household waste.

Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant


Engineering and implementation planning, procurement, manufacture and delivery of machine and conveyor technology as well as assembly and commissioning of parts of a plant for mechanical and biological treatment.

Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant


Production, assembly and commissioning of parts of the MBT Sofia - a plant for sorting household waste including biological drying and subsequent fine sorting of the dried household waste.

Mechanical-Biological Waste Treatment Plant


Plant planning, delivery, construction, commissioning, trial operation and turnkey handover of a plant for the mechanical-biological treatment of household waste

System for Processing Grate Ash


Engineering and implementation planning, procurement, manufacture and delivery of the entire system technology as well as installation and commissioning.

New Fermentation Plant


Planning, delivery, installation, commissioning and trial operation of a biowaste treatment plant for the production of biogas by dry fermentation.

Material Recovery Facility


The MRF was built on an area of 18,500 m² and has an annual capacity of around 250,000 tons.