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Eggersmann Recycling Technology


Eggersmann GmbH

Ravenna-Park 2
33790 Halle (Westf.)

Tel: +49 (0)5201 6614-100
Fax: +49 (0)5201 6614-299

E-Mail: info@f-e.de
Internet: www.eggersmann-recyclingtechnology.com

Legal Information
Managing Director and Authorised Representive: Karlgünter Eggersmann, Thomas Hein
Registrar of Companies: Gütersloh District Court
Registry number: HRB 10831

Turnover tax identification number
in accordance with § 27 a Turnover Tax Law: DE278298686

Responsible for the contents in accordance with § 10 Paragraph 3 MDStV:
Karlgünter Eggersmann (address as above)