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Eggersmann Recycling Technology

Eggersmann Service

BRT HARTNER Recycling Machines

As your proficient service partner, we are at your side to ensure the durability and availability of your BRT HARTNER machine. Our administrative staff, technicians, mechanics, mechatronics engineers and programmers of the BRT HARTNER brand operate around the world for you. Take advantage today of the benefits of our experienced service staff as well as the qualified support of our regional sales partners.

Service for Opening, Dosing, Mixing, Shredding and Sorting Systems

BRT HARTNER Service in Detail

  • Start-up, assembly support & instruction of operating staff
  • Preemptive maintenance
  • Servicing & maintenance
  • Troubleshooting
  • Refurbishing and upgrading of machines
  • Expert advice

During an inspection of your BACKHUS machine our trained service staff checks all basic settings for wear, functionality and safety. In short, the current state of the machine is assessed. At the end, you receive a service checklist as well as a service report.

Advantages of the Regular BRT HARTNER Service Check

  • Increase of availability and durability of the machine
  • Early warning system for wear: early, plannable troubleshooting for less machine downtime
  • Cost reduction due to less repair efforts
  • Comprehensive consulting 

Would you like to sign up your machine for inspection or maintenance? Dou you have a service case? No problem! Please do not hesitate to contact us today. Our employees are there for you all around the world. 

Simply contact us and we will take care of your request as soon as possible.