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Eggersmann Recycling Technology

Reference Plant Engineering

Processing Plant for Waste Wood


In addition to construction as general contractor, engineering and implementation planning, the scope of the contract for the treatment plant also included the procurement, manufacture and delivery of the entire plant technology and components as well as installation and commissioning.

The system is used to supply a BS ENERGY combined heat and power plant.

Key Facts

The system is used to supply a BS ENERGY combined heat and power plant. A completely new concept was implemented to ensure the highest possible plant availability . The plant has two completely self-sufficient production lines that run parallel to each other. There are also intermediate storage tanks so that the amount of material discharged can always be adjusted.

  • Client: Veolia Deutschland GmbH
  • Acceptance: July 2023
  • Operation: VEOLIA will operate the plant.
  • Input: Waste wood
  • Throughput: The plant produces approx. 180,000 tons of wood chips per year
  • Group companies involved: 
    - Eggersmann Anlagenbau
    - Fechtelkord & Eggersmann
    - BETONT