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Eggersmann Recycling Technology


Mobile Turning Technology

Windrow Turner or Lane Turner?


Windrow Turners

  • Flexible foot-to-foot windrows
  • Self-propelled
  • Turning widths from 3 to 7.8 m
  • Extensive standard equipment
  • Wide range of options



Lane Turners With Membrane

  • Automated winding and unwinding
  • Automated turning
  • Semi-permeable membrane
  • Almost closed system
  • Lane widths of 6, 8 and 10 m


Lane Turners

  • Developed for closed facilities
  • Safe process with aggressive material
  • Opt. automated transfer
  • Opt. transfer carriage for lane change
  • Lane widths of 3, 4.5 and 5 m

Which Materials Would you Like to Process?

Municipal Waste

Green Waste

Stable Manure


Fermentation Residues

Fruit Bundle

Soil Remediation

Sewage Sludge

Special Application!

Special Application

You have not found your material? Do you have a special application?

Then contact us!

Machine overview



Windrow Turner

  • Lane width: 3 m


Windrow Turner

  • Lane width: 3.8 m


Windrow Turner

  • Lane width: 4.5 m

BACKHUS A 50 / A 55

Windrow Turner

  • Lane width: 5 m / 5.5 m

BACKHUS A 60 / A 65

Windrow Turner

  • Lane width: 6 m / 6.5 m


Windrow Turner

  • Lane width: 7.5 m



Lane Turner with Membrane

  • Automated

Lane width: 6 m


Lane Turner with Membrane

  • Automated

Lane width: 8 m


Lane Turner with Membrane

  • Automated

Lane width: 10 m



Lane Turner
(for enclosed facilities)

  • Fully electric
  • Automated
  • Lane width: 3 m


Lane Turner
(for enclosed facilities)

  • Diesel powered
  • Automated or driver-operated
  • Lane width: 4.5 m / 5 m 

Do you Have any Questions?

How do I Make the Best Possible Use of my Space?

We support you free of charge in selecting the most suitable machine for you and your process, as well as the appropriate windrow size.

Wheel Loader or Windrow Turner?

We calculate the difference in investment and operating costs for you free of charge.

The Windrows on Your Facility Must not Come Into Contact With Each Other Under any Circumstances?

Lane Composting with automatic Control

We are particularly familiar with this problem from soil remediation, where the material must not become reinfected. In such cases, we recommend treatment in lanes. With our LANE TURNER, you can enjoy the benefits of the proven BACKUS turning technology without risking the material from different batches coming into contact with each other.


BACKHUS With Fleece or BACKHUS CON With Membrane? What is the Difference?

We offer both BACKHUS windrow turners with fleece winders and BACKHUS CON lane turners with winders for the CONVAERO membrane. With the combination of BACKHUS and fleece winder, the focus is on protecting the windrow: it is more difficult for water to penetrate and escape, wind no longer whirls up the material and odours hardly escape at all. The BACKHUS CON and CONVAERO membrane option are a system solution for maximum process efficiency in composting or biological drying. For example, the semi-permeable membrane allows water to escape but not to enter. The system also includes a lane floor with aeration and drainage.

Above: BACKHUS windrow turner with fleece winder
Below: BACKHUS CON lane turner with CONVAERO membrane

What About Odour Control in the Individual Processes?

Picture of a self-propelled BACKHUS Windrow Turner

LANE TURNERS are the first choice for maximum emission control: they achieve the best results when used in closed halls with biofilters. Turning with a BACKHUS CON in combination with the CONVAERO membrane causes hardly any odour emissions as well, as these are retained by the membrane. With BACKHUS windrow turners, this depends on whether you use the windrows outdoors without a cover or, for example, in a hall with a biofilter.

Do you Have Very Liquid Biomass and Don't Know how to Compost it?

Are you Dissatisfied With the Quality of Your Compost?

Then Contact Us!

We will be happy to put our many years of expertise at your disposal. 
We will support and advise you on the composition and selection of the necessary materials to achieve an optimum mixing ratio.

What Exactly is Composting and How Does it Differ From Biological Drying?

It may confuse, but composting does not necessarily always aim to create "compost" in the sense of a marketable product. Basically, the word "composting" describes the natural conversion of organic material into humus by bacteria in a rotting process. If this "compost" has a high degree of purity, it can ultimately be used as fertiliser. However, materials are often composted that cannot be used as fertiliser from the outset. Municipal solid waste (MSW) in particular often contains high levels of organic matter, which can hardly be separated from the rest of the waste – nevertheless, composting or biological drying is recommended for the following reasons:

  • Volume Reduction
    Waste with a non-composted organic content has a significantly higher volume, which makes landfilling more difficult. In addition to processing the material with shredders etc., regular turning is therefore also an efficient method of significantly reducing the volume.
  • Higher Calorific Value
    Non-recyclable waste such as residual waste is largely treated thermally. The organic fractions contained therein consist to a large extent of water and the high moisture content therefore increases the energy requirement during incineration. Biological drying with a membrane or complete composting before thermal treatment are therefore often more cost-effective.
  • Emission Reduction – Temperature 
    During composting, temperatures of up to 65 degrees are generated. If municipal waste is not treated before landfilling, uncontrolled composting takes place. The landfill then heats up considerably and hazardous pollutants can escape in combination with the other waste
  • Emission Reduction – Gases
    Controlled composting with turners also produces C02, but landfilling untreated material is many times more harmful to the climate. Methane and nitrous oxide are quickly produced in cavities that are sealed off from the oxygen supply. This can be avoided by regular turning.