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Eggersmann Recycling Technology

What is the Quick Composting?

Quick composting is a method of composting in which the compost material is rotted quickly to produce high-quality compost in the shortest possible time. Optimal conditions for decomposition are created to promote the activity of microorganisms. Rapid composting is particularly suitable for use in nurseries and on vegetable farms where a large amount of compost is needed quickly.
To enable this rapid and efficient decomposition of organic matter, the following factors must be optimised:

  • Moisture
    The compost material must be kept sufficiently moist so that the microorganisms can do their work efficiently. However, it should not be too wet, otherwise anaerobic (low oxygen) conditions will develop, which will hinder the composting process.
  • Temperature
    The optimum temperature for the composting process is around 55-65°C. This temperature is achieved by mixing and aerating the compost material well.
  • Air circulation
    A sufficient supply of air is important to meet the oxygen requirements of the microorganisms and to promote the decomposition of ammonia and methane.
  • pH value
    The pH value of the compost material should be in the neutral range (6.0-7.5). If the pH value deviates, it can be regulated by adding bases or acids.
  • Structure
    The compost material should be well mixed and kept loose to ensure sufficient air circulation and moisture distribution.

In addition, additives such as horn shavings, blood meal or rock flour can be added to speed up the composting process and improve the quality of the compost. However, it is important to note that too high a proportion of additives can also impair the composting process and affect the pH value.

To ensure that the composting process is successful, the moisture, temperature, air circulation and pH value of the compost material should be checked and adjusted regularly.