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Eggersmann Recycling Technology

What are waste treatment plants?

Waste treatment plants are facilities that are used to collect, sort and process waste in order to prepare it for reuse or disposal. They operate using different processes and can treat different types of waste.
Some of the most common types of waste treatment facilities are:

  • Landfills: This is where waste is stacked in layers on a surface and covered to protect it from the elements and prevent the spread of pollutants.
  • Incineration plants: Here, waste is thermally utilised to generate energy and reduce the amount of waste. However, these plants also produce emissions that can be harmful to the environment and health.
  • Recycling plants: Waste is sorted here to enable it to be reused in other products.
  • Biological fermentation plants: This is where organic waste, such as garden waste, green waste or manure, is fermented in an anaerobic environment to produce biogas and reduce the amount of waste.
  • Composting plants: Here, organic waste such as garden waste, green waste or liquid manure is composted into humus.

Waste treatment plants usually work in several steps to sort, process and dispose of waste. The first step usually consists of sorting and separating the waste by sorting it manually or mechanically into materials such as paper, plastic, metal and organic materials, etc. The waste is then processed by separating it into different materials. The waste is then processed, for example by shredding, pressing or incinerating it in order to save space and reduce the volume. Finally, the processed waste is disposed of either in landfills or by thermal incineration.