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Eggersmann Recycling Technology

Recycling tyres

The correct disposal and recycling of tyres is of great importance for the protection of our environment. Handling used tyres requires special attention as they contain a significant amount of valuable material that can be recycled and reused.

I. Potential environmental damage due to lack of tyre recycling

The collection of used tyres is crucial to avoid environmental problems. Uncontrolled disposal or incineration of tyres can cause significant environmental damage.

They are difficult to degrade and release harmful pollutants when incinerated, which can affect air quality and contribute to air pollution. They can also serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes and other disease vectors if left unchecked. By collecting tyres, these potential problems can be avoided and the valuable materials recycled.

II. How to proceed with tyre recycling

When recycling tyres, certain procedures should be followed to ensure efficient recycling. First, tyres must be collected and stored properly to avoid contamination. They are then thoroughly inspected to determine whether they are suitable for reuse or recycling. Even damaged or worn tyres can still be used for the production of recycled material.

III Materials in tyres and their distribution

Tyres consist of a mixture of different materials, including rubber, steel and textiles. By recycling tyres, these materials can be separated and reused for different purposes.

The rubber part of the tyres can be shredded and turned into granules or powder, which can be used as a raw material for the production of new tyres, plastic products, road surfaces or sports surfaces.

The steel in the tyres is recycled and used to make new metal products. The textiles are also recycled and can be used in the manufacture of insulation material or new textile products.

IV The advantages and disadvantages of recycling tyres


- Reduction in the need for raw materials
The recycling of tyres reduces the need to extract new raw materials, which leads to the conservation of natural resources.
- Reduction of environmental pollution
Recycling reduces harmful emissions and waste, which helps to improve air and water quality.
- Energy saving
The reuse of recycled materials requires less energy than the production of new materials.

- Energy-intensive processing
Some recycling processes require a high energy input, which can lead to a certain environmental footprint.
- Limited demand for recycled products

It can be difficult to generate sufficient demand for products made from recycled tyre materials, which can lead to marketing challenges.

The recycling of tyres and rubber is of great importance for the environment. By properly collecting, separating and processing tyres, valuable materials can be recycled and reused, helping to conserve natural resources, reduce pollution and save energy.

Although there are some challenges, tyre recycling offers significant environmental added value and should continue to be promoted to enable a more sustainable future.