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Eggersmann Recycling Technology

What is chemical recycling?

Chemical recycling refers to the utilisation of waste through the application of chemical processes to convert it into simpler components that can be used as raw materials for new products. This process makes it possible to utilise waste and at the same time obtain raw materials for industrial production.

Chemical recycling technologies include

  • Depolymerisation: the decomposition of polymers by chemicals to obtain monomers that can be used as starting materials for the production of new polymers.
  • Pyrolysis: Waste is processed at high temperatures without the addition of oxygen to produce a renewable oil (pyrolysis oil) and can be used as a raw material for chemicals.
  • Hydrogenation: The process of treating waste with hydrogen and catalysts to produce renewable chemicals.

Chemical recycling has both environmental and economic benefits. It reduces the amount of waste going to landfill and can help reduce dependence on fossil fuels and increase resource efficiency. It can also help to strengthen the local economy by creating jobs in the waste recycling and chemical industries. However, it is important to note that chemical recovery is not always the best method, as some processes can have negative impacts on the environment, such as emissions of pollutants into the air. A comprehensive waste strategy should combine waste prevention, reuse, recycling and recovery.